Coin Screener
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As the number of digital assets continue growing, traders find themselves shifting through chart after chart to find good opportunities. This can not only take valuable time but also lead to missed opportunities.
In addition, crypto assets tend to move similarly to the overall crypto market, which make it even more important to find patterns that "stand out" for certain coins. There are two general ways traders can look for coins that "stand out":
relative to the market
relative to itself
Suppose we are looking for funding rates across the entire market. If coin X has an extremely high funding rate while all others are neutral, this implies that coin X has a high funding rate relative to the rest of the market. However, in some situations some coins are consistently high relative to the rest of the market, in which case relative to the market may not be as impactful. This is where users can switch to outlier mode and look for extreme data points not to the rest of the market, but instead to the coins own historical data. In other words, outlier mode can help answer the question: "How does the current value compare to all past values for this coin?", where as normal mode can help answer the question: "How does the current value compare to the current values of all other coins?"
The Coin Screener displays data in both of these formats, so that traders can find outliers or abnormalities allowing traders to identify potential opportunities by scanning all coins with a birds eye view.
The Coin Screener visualizes an indicator on all crypto assets over time. While crypto scanners exist, most focus on a current snapshot and general metrics like marketcap or change in price. We try to provide more context by by allowing traders to see change in the indicator over time as well as less mainstream indicators such as global long shorts or number of trades occurred.
In the above image, we see that time is visualized across the x-axis, coins are visualized on the y-axis, and the funding rate is visualized through colors based on the colorscale on the right side.
Users have a range of options to create the Coin Screener heatmap: indicators, type of heatmap, color themes for the heatmap as well as a threshold to find outliers displayed through a slider.
The current offering of indicators are:
Funding Rate
Open Interest
Global Accounts Longs%
Top Trader Accounts Longs%
Top Trader Positions Longs%
Insurance Fund
Retail vs Whale Divergence
Buy Volume
Sell Volume
Number of Trades [trades count]
vDelta [calculated as buy volume - sell volume]
Average Trade Size [calculated as volume / number of trades]
In addition to the above indicators, we also display indicators based on the change or difference. Delta is the increase/decrease in the particular time period and percent change is the percentage of change of the values.
Open Interest Percentage Change
Global Accounts Longs% Delta
Top Traders Accounts Longs% Delta
Top Traders Positions Longs% Delta
Insurance Fund Percentage Change
Note: all indicators are based on 5 minute granularity with the exception of Funding Rate [8hours] and Insurance Fund [24 hours]. For example, Global Accounts Longs% Delta is the increase or decrease in longs% on a 5minute candle basis.
Exchanges and coins supported:
Binance: All 80+ alts [usdt perpetual]