Release v1.1
This update includes a complete redesign of our 10+ products, new indicators, additional symbols and more. This is the first of many new enhancements to come.
Below are the new features and updates to our products.
Main Charts (TradingView)
New indicators.
previousDayLevels: Key levels based on the previous day Open, Close, High, Low and EQ (average of high and low).
Labels are pdOpen, pdLow, pdHigh, pdClose, pdEQ and can be found under indicator settings.
Funding Rate [single exchange]: The payment rate for holding a perpetual position at period time intervals. Includes predicted funding rate.
Funding Rate [Aggregated]: Similar to funding rate but with the ability to aggregate on up to 8 exchanges. Aggregation types include SUM (total of all funding rate exchanges) and AVG (average funding rate across selected exchanges). Users can select between both aggregated funding rate and aggregated predictive funding rate under indicator settings.
Support for 100+ coins
This has been highly requested and we have been listening. Most of our products now support multiple exchanges and over 100 alt coins, including liquidation levels, coin screener, open interest profile, probability histogram, stat analyzer and the correlation scanner
Real-time updating.
No need to hit refresh constantly. All products/tools now update automatically (as soon as we have the data).
Save/load custom charts.
Central to our theme of user customizability, most products now feature the ability to save and load charts, including liquidation levels, coin screener, open interest profile, and probability histograms.
Liquidation Levels (v2)
Lots of customizability.
Symbol custom options
Manually change the bubble size. Some charts show bubbles that are too large or to small, which can now be modified.
Bubble opacity
Line opacity
Bubble & line color
Appearance / UI
Background color
Gridlines (opacity and color)
Text color
Additional Filter Options - Filter liquidation levels on other metrics/indicators
OI/Volume Ratio. Want to see liquidation levels only when open interest (oi) has a net positive change? You can now filter liquidation levels on the range selected in the OI / Volume Ratio
Additional Tiers! Market dynamic has changed and we see a lot more volume these days so we went ahead and added additional tier options to support higher granularity on our charts.
OTC Dealflow Tracker (new product!)
Tracks the OTC coin supply and demand activity. These coins are usually those that were purchased in pre-sale/VC rounds and before being listed on an exchange. Available for premium members.
Coin Screener
Additional timeframe support. Coin screener now supports multiple timeframes: 5min, 15min, 1hr, 4hr, 1day, 1wk allowing users to see much larger lookback periods.
Aggregation indicator chart added. At the top of the heatmap, we now display the aggregation of the indicator selected across all coins (on that exchange). So for example, if funding rate is selected, the graph will display the aggregated funding rate for all coins on Binance.
Price chart added. Similar to the aggregation indicator, we have also overlaid the price chart for any user selected coin. This should help scan the coin screener heatmap relative to the price of a coin.
New indicators. The screener also supports 2 additional indicatorTypes: price% change and price% change delta. This shows the change in price across all coins on Binance to identify easily which coins are spiking or dropping price.
Open Interest Profile
Additional look-back periods. The profiles can now be generated using a range of historical data: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and maximum data available.
Aggregate by precision. Ability to aggregate the profile charts by ticker precision.
Redesign. The charts have now been redesigned to only show indicator profiles selected by the user along with a complete redesign of the user interface.
Probability Histogram
Additional look-back periods. The histograms can now be generated using a range of historical data: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and maximum data available.
More details on charts. Users can now see the change over 24 hours for each histogram to display which direction the indicator has trended over time. In addition, the historical data used to generate the histograms is now displayed.
Custom Dashboard
Layout redesign. The custom dashboard has a completely new user interface.
Save/load dashboard layouts. No need to constantly re-select widgets on every new session. Users can now save and load the entire dashboard layout for faster decisions. One of the main themes in our first update in alpha was to focus on user customizability and the ability to save and load the dashboard layout was central to this product update.
Correlation Scanner
Faster load times. We have significantly improved the load time of the scanner to make it more usable.
Added FTX and Binance.
Additional look-back periods. Users have asked to see correlations between coins on smaller or larger time periods and this can now be displayed across 1day, 7day, 14day, and 30days.
Stat Analyzer
More indicators to backtest on.
Complete redesign. The stat analyzer table is now color-coded based on gain/loss to differentiate between benchmark and hypothesis.
Last updated
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